Core Beliefs Of The Sports Injury Expert In NYC

As the leading sports injury expert in New York City and having worked with thousands of athletes, dancers, and obstacle course enthusiasts to recover from injuries and surgeries, there are 3 core beliefs that I passionately stand by.

These beliefs set me apart from the doctors, social media influencers, and massage therapists you may have been let down by in the past and enable me to get you back to your best quickly and naturally.


BELIEF #1 – Personalised Care From An Expert Physical Therapist

If you have been to a doctor, or even a physical therapist that treats multiple patients in a session, you probably felt like you weren’t listened to, and rushed out of the door with a leaflet of generic exercises, or a prescription for painkillers.

But that is not what it’s like with me or my expert team!

My approach means that everyone that comes through my clinic doors gets personalized treatment specific to them.

Every patient of mine gets personalized, and specialized treatments which allow us to drastically speed up your recovery and relieve pain fast.


BELIEF #2 – You’re Given The Time & Space To Heal

If you have tried physical therapy in the past, then your experience might have been somewhere along the line of a quick overview of your condition, then you spend the rest of your appointment fighting for the attention of the therapist along with a handful of other patients.

This leaves you feeling stuck and at a standstill, or maybe even thinking this isn’t the route for you and your sports injury.

But at our clinic, you are treated on a one-to-one basis and get our undivided attention which means you get the care that you deserve.

This approach is what has led to truly outstanding results from patients who had failed everywhere else they want, and contributed to my unrivaled reputation as the leading expert on sports injuries in New York City.


BELIEF #3 – You Deserve To Be Heard & Understood

Another important belief that all my patients benefit from is that you deserve to be heard and understood.

Often, when very active people like us speak to doctors, or other healthcare professionals, we aren’t really listened to and definitely aren’t understood.

Instead, our desire to be stronger, fitter and perform at our best is ignored.

And we’re told to slow down, take more rest, relying on painkillers to numb the pain, and simply accept injuries will stop us from doing what we love.

Working with me and my expert team, you will be listened to, and we will help you achieve fix your injuries so you can work towards your goals.

Whether that’s just getting back onto the basketball court with your buddies every weekend, or something more ambitious like running a PB at your next marathon.

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Fix Your Sports Injury In The Past?

And this is why when people visit my physical therapy clinic in NYC, they get results – even if they’ve spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don’t you come to our clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit.

This means you see how we treat, can meet the team, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you’re desperately searching for.

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Discovery Visit

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